White text on black screen

 Registration Closed
Datum: 01.10.2019 10:00 - 12:00

Venue: Institut Ruđer Bošković, Knjižnica, 5. krilo  |  Grad: Zagreb, Croatia


A command line is the space to the right of the command prompt on an all-text display mode on a computer monitor in which a user enters commands and data. It provides a means of communication between a user and a computer that is based solely on textual input and output. [ http://www.linfo.org/command_line.html ]

Working in modern scientific environments usually involves using computers running the Linux operating system which, by itself, implies using the command line interface (CLI) on a daily basis. As the CLI inherently lacks the 'user-friendliness' of graphical user interfaces, in order to find her way through the 'white-text-on-black-screen' realm, the user is destined to put some effort into learning the basics of using the CLI.

This workshop will cover typical work scenarios within the CLI, providing description and usage of various commands needed to accomplish seemingly complex tasks in a simple and effective way.  

Depending on the audience, the workshop will be held in English or Croatian language.



Nikola Pavković received a master's degree after studying at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (University of Zagreb) in 2006. He works at Information Systems dept @Rudjer Boskovic Institute since 2006 and has published a number of technical papers covering various topics related to information security. As a teaching assistant at FER, in scope of the "Advanced algorithms and data structures" subject, he held several classes about basiccryptography algorithms. In 2014, after defending his thesis "Penetration testing through social engineering" he got a specialist degree in Information Security.

Nikola Pavković diplomirao je na FER-u 2006. godine, a na IRB-u radi još od svojih studentskih dana, točnije od 2001. godine. U razdoblju od tada do danas objavio je više stručnih radova iz područja informacijske sigurnosti, a kao asistent na Zavodu za primjenjeno računarstvo, u sklopu kolegija "Napredni algoritmi i strukture podataka" predavao je osnove kriptografije. 2014. godine na specijalističkom studiju informacijske sigurnosti na FER-u obranio je specijalistički rad iz područja penetracijskog ispitivanja i društvenog inženjeringa.


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Svi datumi

  • 01.10.2019 10:00 - 12:00