You've found an interesting reference in a journal and would like to read the full text of this work?? Google leads you to dead end and you are asked to pay for an full text access? You are resentful and thinking about moving to some wealthier country? Do not despair! Google is not almighty, your Library can do the same as he and even more!
On these pages we sort out catalogs and electronic and print journal search engines. E-journals are often subscribed through aggregator databases but these information you wan't find among Google results. Therefore you should use library catalogs and e-journals search engines prepared by RBI Library, and your quest for scientific information will be much simpler.
Hrvatski nacionalni skupni katalog omogućuje objedinjeno pretraživanje više od 45 kataloga knjižica iz sustava znanosti i visokog obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske.
Na ovoj stranici nalazi se popis naslova pretplate za 2024. godinu za Institut Ruđer Bošković s poveznicama na elektroničke verzije časopisa (na početnu stranicu) te s poveznicom na njihovu arhivu cjelovitih tekstova kojima djelatnici IRB-a imaju pristup.
46 knjižničnih kataloga sveučilišnih knjižnica
EZB Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek - electronic journals database, all electronic journals available to RBI on one place
All printed journals in the library