What certificates are issued by RBI LIbrary?
What should be provided to library when submitting request for certification?
What certificates are issued by RBI library?
RBI library offers isuing various certificates for rank promotion, projects applications, schlolarships etc. Following certificates can be requested:
- confirmation of the number of papers published in journals that are indexed in the Web of Science database
- confirmation of the number of papers published in journals that are indexed in the Scopus database
- confirmation of the number of papers published in journals that are indexed in the Current Contents database (from 27th week 1993 to date)
- citation certificate of papers published in the Web of Science database
- citation certificate of papers published in the Scopus database (data available on the citation since 1996. years)
- confirmation of the impact factor (Impact Factor) of a particular journal in a given year
Who can order a certificate?Indexation and citation certificates of papers can be requested only by RBI employees for rank promotion etc.
How to request a certificate?Certification requests may be submitted directly to the librarians or send by e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
What should be provided to library when submitting requests for certification?Please provide the library with the list of all published papers in electronic form (preferably in doc. format) and variants of names under which you have published papers (eg, maiden name, last name combination, etc.).
Please submitt your requests at least five working days in advance.