Journals collection usage terms
How to find a specific journal?
RBI Library journal collection covers all scientific fields represented at the Institute: physics, chemistry, biology, marine and environmental research, biomedicine, computer science and electronics. The collection includes around 1000 titles of print journals (around 60 titles subscribed for the current year), and Institute staff has access to cca 16 000 e-journals.
Every year the Institute finances subscription of a certain number of journals for RBI staff.
Check out subscribed titels for the current year!
RBI staff also has access to e-journals subscribed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport for the whole Croatian academic community. Access is provided by the Centre for Online Databases.
The location of "paper" (print) journals depends on the topic they cover:
Physics, mathematics and electronics:
• 1st wing, basement (archive): volumes up to 1995 (including 1995)
• 1st wing, 1st floor (reading room): volumes from 1996
Biology, biomedicine, chemistry and interdisciplinary sciences:
• 3rd wing, 1st floor (reading room): volumes up to 1989
• 5th wing, 1st floor (reading room): volumes from 1990
Branch library in Rovinj also keeps a part of the journal collection.
E-journals can be accessed from all computers within the Institute (access is regulated via IP range). RBI staff can also accesse-journals from home using the VPN or Proxy server.
There are minor exceptions from the mentioned location list. You can always check a specific journal location in the detailed print journals list (.pdf format) or you can ask the Library staff for help.
Journals collection usage terms
Journal can't be borrowed. You can use them in reading rooms in the library. If you need to photocopy an article, you are free to use a photocopier in every wing.
If you're not a member of RBI staff, you can order article copies via a library in your institution (read more about that topic).
How to find a specific journal?
Having troubles finding a literature you need? We can help you with short instructions:
From the early years of the Institute Library has been working on collecting and analysing data for the publication Annual Report of the Ruđer Bošković Institute.
In 2005 the Library, in cooperation with the editorial board, has come up with the application for online data collecting.
All available old issues of Annual Reports have been digitized and are available here:
Print issues are also available for use in RBI Library in Zagreb.
How to borrow a book from Library collections or to buy a new book?
How to borrow a book from other libraries? - Interlibrary loan
Selected library book catalogues
Ruđer Bošković Institute Library book collection covers all scientific fields represented at the Institute. Research work at the Institute begun in 1954 in theoretical, molecular and nuclear physics and electronics. Later on it broadened on chemistry, biology, marine and environmental research, biomedicine, computer science and interdisciplinary research.
We acquire majority of the fond to cover researchers' needs, buying from local and foreign publishers. Part of the fond is a reference collection located in all library locations and it includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, grammars, handbooks and atlases. For library staff literature from the filed of information sciences and libraranship are acquired.
The book collection has around 23 000 items. Their location depends on the topic they cover:
- chemistry and marine and environmental research - building III
- biology and medicine - building V
- mathematics, physics, elecronic - building I
- oceanography, fishery, marine ecology, biology, chemistry and physics; map collection (cca 100 maps of Adriatic and Mediterranean Sea) - Rovinj branch library
The book collection is also built through personal donations, donation from publishers and different institutions.
Books are primarily here for the Institute staff, but can also be used by other users via their library (interlibrary loan) or in library reading rooms.
Što prikuplja zbirka ocjenskih radova?
Mogu li se posuditi ocjenski radovi?
Kako posuditi neki ocjenski rad izrađen na drugoj ustanovi?
Što prikuplja Zbirka ocjenskih radova?Knjižnica Centra za znanstvene informacije IRB-a prikuplja ocjenske radove (doktorske disertacije i magistarske radove) koje su izradili djelatnici IRB-a ili studenti kojima su djelatnici IRB-a bili mentori.
Zbirka ocjenskih radova je smještena u arhivi u 1. krilu, a sastoji se od:
Cjelokupna zbirka ocjenskih radova je računalno obrađena te pretraživa u Mrežnom katalogu Centra za znanstvene informacije IRB-a.
Mogu li se posuditi ocjenski radovi?Doktorske disertacije i magistarski radovi iz Zbirke ocjenskih radova knjižnice IRB-a se ne mogu posuđivati i dostupni su samo za studijski rad u čitaonici.
Kako posuditi neki ocjenski rad izrađen na drugoj ustanovi?Ukoliko ste djelatnik IRB-a i trebate pojedini ocjenski rad izrađen na drugoj ustanovi, možete zatražiti posudbu istog preko usluge međuknjižnične posudbe.
Magistrirali ste / doktorirali na IRB-u, a vaš ocjenski rad se ne nalazi u Zbirci ocjenskih radova?
Ukoliko ste magistrirali ili doktorirali za vrijeme vašeg radnog odnosa na Institutu i niste predali svoju doktorsku disertaciju / magistarski rad u knjižnicu, pozivamo vas da to učinite sada kako biste obogatili našu zbirku. Unaprijed zahvaljujemo na vašoj suradnji prilikom popunjavanja zbirke.
Besides the collection of scientific literature (books, journals and thesis), the Library has also three special collections:
Collection of publications written/edited by Josip Ruđer Bošković
RBI Library is developing a collection of books written or edited by Josip Ruđer Bošković. Collection includes around 20 valuable titles. Their bibliographic details can be found in RBI Library Online Public Catalogue.
Collection of publication about the scientist Josip Ruđer Bošković
RBI Library is developing a book collection about Croatian exceptional scientist Josipu Ruđer Bošković, whose name the Instiute carries with proud. So far we have collected around 30 Croatian and foreign titles. The collection is on display in the 5th wing, so that the RBI staff and visitors can get acquainted with Josip Ruđer Bošković's life and work.
Collection of publications written/edited by RBI staff
This collection is on display in the library reading room in the 5th wing. The collection includes publications written or edited by RBI staff, publications including a part or a chapter written by RBI staff and proceedings from conferences organized by RBI.
Bibliographic details about all books in the collection can be found in RBI Library Online Public Catalogue.
We are trying to further develop and broaden this collection in order to present RBI staff work. If you're a member of RBI staff and you have published a book we currently don't have in the library, we would gladly accept your book as a donation and put it on display in the library redaing room in the 5th wing.
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