The first PUBMET conference was held in 2014 with the theme "The Plurality of Approaches to the Scholarly Publishign and Assessment". In the last decade, the conference expanded its focus beyond traditional publishing, recognizing the importance of open science and a broader spectrum of scientific communication. Under a new name, "Scholarly Communication in the Context of Open Science", PUBMET has become a platform for exchanging ideas, research, and collaboration, hosting exceptional speakers and experts over the years.
18. rujna 2023. s početkom u 15 sati voditelj Centra za znanstvene informacije Bojan Macan i voditeljica Odsjeka za korisničku podršku unutar Odjela za CroRIS u CZI-ju Marina Mayer održali su jednosatno predavanje o novom Informacijskom sustavu znanosti - CroRIS. Izlaganju je prisustvovalno 20-ak ljudi uživo u dvorani 1. krila Instituta Ruđer Bošković i preko 60 sudionika preko Zoom platforme.
In January 2023, the PATTERN project – Empowering Open and Responsible Research and Innovation – was officially kicked off in Rome, at the premises of APRE, the project's coordinator.
PATTERN's primary aim is to promote the practice of Open and Responsible Research and Innovation (Open RRI) by developing and piloting training activities for researchers at all stages of their careers.
This year, the IFLA World Library and Information Congress was held in Rotterdam from August 21st to 25th. Every year, IFLA WLIC brings together thousands of participants and hundreds of volunteers from around the world to discuss current trends and challenges in the library profession, and to collectively generate new ideas and potential solutions. This year's congress theme was "Let's work together, let's library," aiming to build a sustainable future through the Sustainable Development Goals.
Početkom svibnja su na portalu SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJCR) objavljeni novi podaci za SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) za 2022. godinu. Novi SJR izračunat je za 27955 časopisa iz 116 država, svrstanih u sveukupno 309 predmetnih kategorija.
Krajem lipnja Clarivate Analytics je objavio novo izdanje baze podataka Journal Citation Reports (JCR) za 2022. godinu u kojem su dostupni podaci za nešto više od 21 500 časopisa iz 112 zemalja, svrstanih u sveukupno 254 predmetne kategorije, uključujući:
- 13 668 znanstvenih časopisa,
- 7 123 časopisa iz društvenih znanosti i
- 3 248 časopisa iz umjetnosti i humanističkih znanosti.
tel. 4680-086 (interni 1273)
soba 222 (III. krilo, I. kat)
e-mail: lorena.palameta[at]
Ministers of Science and Technology from G7[1] member countries held a meeting in Sendai, Japan, from May 12th to 14th, 2023. One of the outcomes of this meeting is their joint declaration highlighting the importance of open science, academic freedom and inclusivity, protection of research work and scientific integrity, as well as international collaboration. G7 supports open science and emphasizes three priorities: open science infrastructure, reform of research evaluation, and research on research work to develop evidence-based open science policies.
U okviru Hrvatske znanstvene bibliografije - CROSBI lansiran je Open Science Hub u svrhu promoviranja prakse otvorene znanosti i edukacije hrvatske znanstvene zajednice i javnosti o toj tematici. Ova nova funkcionalnost CROSBI-ja okuplja radove hrvatskih autora na temu otvorene znanosti, otvorenog pristupa i otvorenih istraživačkih podataka te kao takva predstavlja jedinstveno mjesto na kojem su spomenute informacije okupljene na razini Hrvatske.