What is interlibrary loan?Through interlibrary loan service library materials (books, scholarly papers from journals, etc.) which library doesn't possess are acquired for the RBI employees. Library materials are borrowed from many Croatian as weel as from libraries abroad. Using interlibrary loan other libraries can borrow library materials from the RBI Library for their users as well.
In order to facilitate the process of ordering materials through the interlibrary loan, the Library has developed an application, so called SEND, through which RBI employees and other libraries may send their requests.
What is SEND?SEND (Sustav Elektroničke Nabave Dokumenata) is system which enables interlibrary loan through web interface. It is intended for the RBI employess to order library materials from other libraries. System is also inteded for the interlibrary loan requests from Croatian libraries. External users can not order individualy through the SEND system, libraries of their home institutions should order on their bahalf.
How to become a user?
Access to the SEND system is authorized, so RBI employees should register themselves as users. It is necesarry to fulfill registration form. Users can choose password (up to 8 caracters) and username will be given by the system. Notification of login information will be received immediately on the website and subsequently by e-mail.
How to order documents? After registration to the system, users can access their personal web page which contains review of all their orders.
New order
To make an order users should specified the type of order (photocopies/original - book/jounal). Users can select journal title from the menu. In the case when they can not find the desired journal title, they should write it themself. It is necessary to enter bibliographic information (author, title, publisher, numerical data ...), and to confirm whether they want to supply materials from abroad.
Users orders
At any time, users can check the status of their current orders:
Complete bibliographic data, users can see by selecting the order number in ID column .
How the documents are delivered?
Photocopies are delivered directly to the users. PDF documents are send to the users by e-mail. Original documents users must ayquire personaly in the Library (3rd wing)
Borrowing duration of original documents is three weeks. In the case when the documents must be returned earlier, users will be notified.
Fees are only covering the costs of photocopying and postage.
- Fee for the inland supplies: 0.50 kn/str. + postage
Postage per journal paper: 5.00 kn
Postage for the book: avarage (1 volume) 30.00 kn - depends on weight
Postage is not charged for libraries with which we have organized delivery.
- Fees for interlibrary loan with libraries abroad:
Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) - Hannover |
60.00 kn / journal paper (u PDF format) |
1 volume: 100.00 kn + postage* |
SUBITO (includes 34 German, Austrian, Swiss libraries) |
44.00 kn / journal paper (u PDF format) - basic fee 62.00 - 70.00 kn - depend on publishers, papers protected by license agreements (printed format) |
1 volume: 100.00 kn + postage* |
CTK - Ljubljana |
journal paper (PDF format) (CTK libray materials): 20 kn |
1 svezak: 80.00 kn + postage* |
CMK - Ljubljana | 50.00 kn/20 str. each additonal page: 0,20 kn |
ne posuđuju |
British Library | 113.00 kn / journal paper |
1 volume: 183.00 kn + postage* |
Regarding your problems and suggestings please contact us by e-mail address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Additional information: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
How the RBI Library materials can be borrowed?External users (students, staff of other institutions, citizens ...) can borrow books through interlibrary loan, based on reverse certified in their home institution or library. Borrowing duration is 1-2 weeks or by arrangement. Scientific journals can not be borrowed; journal papers can only be photocopied in the Library.
SEND can not be used by individual users, without the mediation of some library. All persons who do not have a library that can intercede for them in ordering documents, can contact RBI library at the following address:
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Access to the SEND system is authorized therefore the libraries should first register themselves. Librarian should fullfill the registration form on the SEND homepage http://send.irb.hr/index.php. Users can choose password (up to 8 characters) and username will be given by the system. Notification of login information will be received immediately on the website and subsequently by e-mail.
All additional information
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, Library, III. wing, internal phone no. 1273. (++385 1 4680-086)
Vanjski korisnici (studenti, djelatnici drugih institucija, građani...) knjige posuđuju putem međuknjižnične posudbe, na osnovu reversa ovjerenog u matičnoj instituciji ili knjižnici, na period od 1-2 tjedna ili po dogovoru. Časopise ne posuđujemo već se članci kopiraju u knjižnici.
SEND ne mogu koristiti individualni korisnici, bez posredovanja svoje knjižnice. Sve osobe koje nemaju knjižnicu koja za njih može posredovati pri naručivanju dokumenata, mogu se obratiti direktno e-mailom knjižnici IRB-a na adresu:
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Prijava na sustav je autorizirana, stoga se svaka knjižnica prilikom prvog pristupanja mora registrirati kao korisnik. Za registraciju je potrebno ispuniti sva obvezna polja u predviđenom obrascu. Do obrasca se dolazi klikom na link Registracija nove knjižnice koji se nalazi na početnoj stranici SEND-a http://send.irb.hr/index.php . Lozinku (do 8 znakova) birate sami, a korisničko ime će Vam dodijeliti sustav. Obavijest o Vašim podacima za prijavu dobit ćete odmah na web stranici i naknadno elektroničkom poštom.
Za dodatne informacije obratite se
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, knjižnica III. krilo, tel. 1273.
What library materials can be borrowed?
Who can borrow library materials from the RBI Library?
How external users can borrow library materials?
How the employees of the RBI can borrow library materials from other libraries?
What library materials can be borrowed?
Library lends only books. Scientific journals, encyclopedias, handbooks, distionaries (and other reference materials) as well as thesis can not be borrowed. Materials which can not be borrowed, can be photocopied or scanned in the library. Therebay Croatian Law on Copyright and Related Rights should be respected.
Who can borrow library materials from RBI Library?
RBI employees may borrow books after registration. For them there are no limitations on borrowing duration. External users can borrow library materials only through interlibrary loan.
How external users can borrow library materials?
External users (students, employees of other institutions ...) can borrow books through the interlibrary loan. They can also borrow books independently based on the revers which they could get in the library of their institution. Borrowing duration is 1-2 weeks, or by special arrangement.
External users can make photocopies of journal papers. Electronic journals papers can be saved on USB stick or send by e-mail. External users can also use users computers which are available in all reading rooms.
We recommend to other libraries using our interlibrary loan online system SEND.
How the empolyees of the RBI can borrow library materials from other libraries?
Jounal papers, book papes, or proceedings papers etc. employees of the RBI can order from their own laboratories and offices. The library will then ensure that the requested document will be provided on the fastest way (one to three days) and under the best price.
To order book/jounal/journal paper through interlibrary loda, RBI employees should be registred in the Electronic documents ordering system - SEND. Detailed instructions on how to become system user, how to order documents, document delivery possibilities and what are the prices for photocopies or loan of the original document.
Borrowing period of the original printed book is approximately one month.
Library doesn't own the book that you need?
How to order a new scientific journal title?
Library doesn't own the book that you need?
Library for the employees of the RBI can purchase books or borrow them through the interlibrary loan from the libraries in the country, as well as from the libraries abroad.
Library can purchase books only for the RBI employees. They have to submit their order to lthe ibrary with the basic information about the desired book.
How to order a new scientific journal title?
The proposal for the purchase of a new scientific journal title should be submited to the library. It should include an explanation why the title is required and the approximate number of users to whom it is intended. Once a year, RBI Library in cooperation with the Library commitee reviews existing journal titles subscription list and then consider all proposals of the new titles received in the meantime.
KEKS seminari
Obuka knjižničara
Hrvatska znanstvena bibliografija CROSBI
Tko je tko u znanosti u Hrvatskoj
HRČAK (u suradnji sa SRCem)
Centar za online baze podataka
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Interni projekti na IRB-u
Godišni izvještaj
Migracija Kataloga
Rezervacije (suradnja s CIR-om)
Web Knjižnice
IRB bibliografija
About Centre for scientific information in Zagreb
The Ruđer Bošković Institute Library was founded in 1950. and it is located on two locations: one in Zagreb, and an other one in Rovinj, where the Centre for Marine Research is situated. With the new Statute of organisation from 2015. the library is reconstitued and becomes the Centre for Scientfic Information, with two divisions: Library department, and the Department for information technologies.
By developing and implementing new information technologies, the Centre is trying to satisfy all information needs of RBI scientists and other users (members of University and other Institutes, as well as other citizens). As the biggest Croatian scientific library in a field of natural sciences, the RBI Centre for Scientific Information devlopes its collections (books, journals and other materials) in fields of physics, mathematics, electronics, chemistry, medicine and environmental sciences.
Working hours of CSI in Zagreb:
See RBI Centre in Zagreb on bigger map.
About our Centre in RovinjLibrary of Centre for Marine Research in Rovinj is situated behind the main building of the Centre in the Church of Saint Gotard from 18th century.
The Library was established just before World War I and it was a part of Zoological station of Berlin acquarium. During last years, Center was administrated by several scientific institutions: Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft, Reale comitato talasografico italiano, JAZU, and today is a part of Ruđer Bošković Institute.
Despite many periods of crisis and lacks of funds during two world wars, library was successful in acquiring scientific literature. Thanks to that, library today has a rich collection of an old reports from various expeditions: Challanger, Plankton Expedition, Campagnes Scientifiques Monaco... Because of that, in the first part od 20th century library was one of the biggest libraries on Mediterranean - only Napoly library was bigger when taking into account a number of publications. The hardest period for Rovinj library began with arrival of a fascist in Istria. Fascist forces robbed a library and took all valuable publications in Italy, where they stayed until the year 1961.
Today collection of the Centre in Rovinj consists of around 16.000 volumes of various serial publications and book of exceptional scientific value. Many of this publication are acquired by exchange of publications, thanks to Thalassia Jugoslavica, a journal which was being published by the Centre until the year 1991.
Working hours of CSI in Rovinj:
See RBI Centre for scientific information in Rovinj on bigger map.
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