Tijekom karijere bio je gostujući profesor na Solid State Institute (Technion, Haifa), Sveučilištu Pierre et Marie Curie (Pariz, Francuska) i Solid State Physics Laboratory (CNRS, Muedon). Također, bio je i JSPD fellow na Sveučilištu u Tokiju i DAAD fellow na Institutu Hahn-Meitner u Berlinu.
Dobitnik je brojnih nagrada i priznanja, među kojima su Materials Research Soceity Medal, Boston (2005) za svoj rad na anorganskim fulerenima, The Kolthoff Prize in Chemistry of the Technion, Haifa (2005), Landau Prize od Mifal Hapais in Nanotechnology, Tel-Aviv (2006), Israel Chemical Society Excellence Prize (2008), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) (2011), a član je Israel Academy of Sciences (2011) i Academia Europaea (2011).
Prof. Tenne autor je više od 260 znanstvenih radova i 20 poglavlja u knjigama. Održao je preko 180 pozvanih predavanja. 2008. godine dobio je European Research Council: Advanced Research Grant u vrijednosti od 1.62 milijuna Eura na razdoblje od 5 godina. Vlasnik je dvadeset patenata i trenutno je u postupku suosnivanja nove kompanije „NanoMediCot“. U svijetu je poznat po svom predviđanju iz 1992, nakon otkrića ugljikovih nanocjevčica, da nanočestice anorganskih spojeva sa slojevitim strukturama, kao što je MoS2, ne bi bile stabilne pri smatanju te bi formirale anorganske nanocjevčice i strukture nalik fulerenima. Na temelju njegovih istraživanja iz područja anorganskih fulerena nastala je tvrtka ApNano (Nano Materials Ltd.), čiji je glavni znanstveni savjetnik i koju je 2004. godine Innovation World magazine proglasio jednom od 21 vodećih kompanija 21. stoljeća, a iste ju je godine časopis Red Herring proglasio jednom od 100 najinovativnijih tvrtki. Također, 2010. godine od strane Izraelskog ministarstva za industriju i trgovinu kompaniji je dodijeljena nagrada Nanotechnology Company of the Year Award 2010.
Sažetak predavanja
This presentation is aimed at underlying the principles, synthesis, characterization and applications of inorganic nanotubes (INT) and fullerne-like (IF) nanoparticles (NP) from 2-D layered compounds. While the high temperature synthesis and study of IF materials and INT from layered metal dichalcogenides, like WS2 and MoS2 remain a major challenge, progress with the synthesis of IF and INT structures from various other compounds has been realized, as well. Intercalation and doping of these nanostructures, which lends itself to interesting electronic properties, has been realized, too. Recently, new core-shell nanotubular structures, like PbI2@WS2 nanotubes, and INT-SnS2 have been reported. Re doping of the IF and INT endow them with interesting electrical and other physio-chemical properties. Major progress has been achieved in elucidating the structure of INT and IF using advanced microscopy techniques, like aberration corrected TEM with 0.08 nm resolution and electron tomography. Also recently, scaling up efforts in collaboration with "NanoMaterials" resulted in multikilogram production of (almost) pure multiwall WS2 nanotubes phases. Extensive experimental and theoretical analysis of the mechanical properties of individual INT and more recently IF NP was performed casting light on their behavior in the macroscopic world.
IF-MS2 (M=W,Mo, etc) were shown to be superior solid lubricants in the variety of forms, including an additive to various lubricating fluids/greases and for various self-lubricating coating. Following scaling-up efforts, full commercialization of products based on this technology have taken place in the automotive, aerospace, food, machining and other industries. New potential applications have been realized, e.g. in the field of medical technology, by forming self-lubricating coatings which incorporate the IF nanoparticles. Some new potential applications for these and related materials will be discussed in the fields high toughness nanocomposites and (photo)catalysis.