Za hrvatsku akademsku zajednicu do kraja travnja u tijeku su probni pristupi:
- EBSCO - nekoliko tematskih baza podataka:
- CAB Abstracts – over 232,000 full-text publications for applied life sciences literature
- eBook Academic Collection – over 141,000 multidisciplinary eBook titles from leading publishers
this video Downloading eBooks explains step by step how to download EBSCO eBooks
- Applied Science & Technology Source – full text for over 1,350 journals
- Historical Abstracts with Full Text – indexing of historical articles from more than 2,690 journals in over 40 languages; full text of more than 540 journals and more than 140 books
- MEDLINE Complete – the largest companion to the MEDLINE index and provides full text for over 2,500 medical journals (unique titles like JAMA, Diabetes Care etc.)
- Library & Information Science Source – a merger of high-quality databases from EBSCO and H.W. Wilson focused on library and information sciences, full text for more than 470 journals
Poveznica na sadržaje:
EBSCO – probni pristup na tematske baze podataka
Dostupni su svi časopisi iz Springer Journal Collection (osim Adis-a) i e-knjige na engleskom jeziku iz 2015.
Dostupna je cijela kolekcija časopisa Cambridge Journals Online.
Korisnički vodič i upute za CJO
Pristup svim sadržajima reguliran je putem IP raspona.
Viiše informacija: Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica: