EJOL je baza elektroničkih časopisa koja Vam omogućuje da saznate sve o časopisu koji Vas zanima: je li Vam dostupan u elektroničkom obliku zajedno s cjelovitim tekstovima radova, tko ga izdaje, koji su Vam još časopisi na raspolaganju iz tog područja, je li časopis indeksiran u Current Contentsu i indeksira li ga neka druga važna referentna publikacija, koja je kratica časopisa, koje ustanove imaju pristup cjelovitom tekstu...i još mnogo toga.
U radu na EJOL-u sudjelovalo je četrdesetak hrvatskih visokoškolskih i znanstvenih knjižnica, osiguravajući podatke o svojim časopisinim zbirkama.
EJOL je realiziran kao projekt primjene informacijske tehnologije MZOŠ iProjekti tijekom 2002. godine, a projekt su vodile Ivana Pažur i Sofija Konjević. Objedinjava podatke o više od 6800 tiskanih i elektroničkih časopisa.
Ovid Core Biomedical Collection is a collection of 14 online biomedical journals in which every word of the text is searchable, including references and graphics. Within the Full Text display hypertext features allow users to display complete references cited within the text of a document, and direct links to major databases such as MEDLINE are provided.
CINAHL with Full Text is the most comprehensive source of full text for nursing & health journals, offering full text for more than 600 journals. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index - with no embargo. Full-text coverage dates back to 1981.
Books@Ovid is online collection of core medical, nursing, and pharmacybooks from various publishers. The Books@Ovid database includes full text, references, updates, and graphics from some of the most respected sources in medicine, nursing, and pharmacology.
SpringerLink is an online collection of Springer electronic products: e-journals, e-books, reference works as well as collections of some small publishers (Urban and Vogel, Steinkopff, i Birkhäuser).
Produced by Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), since 1991. Web of Science has multidisciplinary content that covers over 10,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and over 110,000 conference proceedings.
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