RBI Library is active in transferring knowledge and experiences to the colleagues librarians in 3 ways
Professional visits to RBI Library
Each year the RBI Library host librarians who are preparing for a professional exam introducing them through the two-hour lecture and library tour to library organisation and activities with particular regard to special library specificities.
Occasionally, in accordance with certain LIS professors from the Library and information science school (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb) LIS students pay a professional visit to RBI Library. During the visit students get acquainted with special libraries features, and learn about RBI Library projects and services in particular.
Student practical training at RBI Library
LIS students can perform their practical training at RBI Library. Trainees at the Library becomes familiar with all aspects of library work. After traineeship is concluded students get certificate of practical training with detail job description including the exact time spent on particular assignments.
Practical training requests should be sent to Head of RBI Library at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or made by phone 4561-043.
Professional conferences in Croatia and abroad
Very often library employees participate as lecturers or workshop leaders in various meetings, seminars and conferences in Croatia and abroad.
Knjižnica Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu je po opsegu svojega fonda druga najveća knjižnica u Hrvatskoj, odmah iza Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu. Njezin fond broji preko 600000 svezaka knjižnične građe, a nastala je spajanjem 24 odsječnih knjižnica 2009. godine, kada je dovršena nova zgrada knjižnice. Knjižnica svojim fondom pokriva područje humanističkih i djelomično društvenih znanosti.
Google Translate je još jedan od proizvoda iz Googleove radionice koji vam omogućuje prevođenje pojedinih riječi, rečenica, mrežnih stranica pa i cijelih tekstualnih dokumenata s jednog na neki drugi svjetski jezik. Trenutno podržava prevođenje 57 različitih jezika.
ScienceDirect is e-journal collection of 1981 journal (8.12.2010.) published by Elsevier, one of the largest publisher of STM journals. To Croatian scientific community ScienceDirect is available as an independent collection or through SciVerse, the platform that brings together Elsevier's products ScienceDirect, Scopus i Scirus. SciVerse enable search across all three databases through single interface.
Current Contents (Thomson Reuters) is the most popular database in Croatia, available to Croatian scientists through Ovid interface. The reasons for its popularity are: high criteria by which selected journals are included, covers a broad range of scientific fields, database is regularly updated. Current Contents contain author-written abstracts, author's address, publisher's address and outstanding searching and browsing possibilities.
ArXiv is an Open Archives Initiative (OAI) compliant archive of electronic preprints in physics, mathematics, computer science, non-linear sciences, quantitative biology and statistics. The arXiv was developed by Paul Ginsparg and hosted at Los Alamos National Laboratory (known as LANL preprint archive) and now is hosted and maintained by Cornell University. The arXiv is currently funded by Cornell University and by the National Science Foundation.
Trebate znanstvenu literaturu iz određenog područja? Ne znate kako i gdje ju pronaći? Nadamo se da će vam sljedeće upute pomoći u pronalaženju relevantne literature.
Prije odabira sekundarnih izvora informacija koje ćete pretražiti u potrazi za relevantnom literaturom (knjižničnog kataloga, baze podataka, tražilice časopisa), potrebno je jasno definirati tražite li knjigu, doktorsku disertaciju, magistarski rad, znanstveni časopis ili znanstveni članak koji pokrivaju određenu temu. Za odabir pravog sekundarnog izvora informacija je također važno s kojim početnim informacijama raspolažete, tj. posjedujete li informacije o autorima, naslovu i sl., ili želite napraviti tematsko pretraživanje sekundarnih izvora informacija.
Za vas smo napravili 2 dijagrama toka koji će vam pomoći pri pronalaženju literature za vaš znanstveni rad:
Kako pronaći knjigu / ocjenski rad?
Kako pronaći znanstveni časopis / znanstveni članak?
Popis relevantnih kataloga knjiga i ocjenskih radova možete pronaći na stranicama Katalozi knjiga i ocjenskih radova; popis relevantnih kataloga i tražilica znanstvenih časopisa na stranicama Katalozi časopisa, a popis baza podataka na stranicama Baze podataka.
Ukoliko pronađete neku knjigu ocjenski rad, znanstveni časopis ili znanstveni članak koji pokrivaju određenu temu, a koji vam nisu dostupni u Knjižnici IRB-a, Knjižnica vam nudi uslugu međuknjižnične posudbe preko koje će Knjižnica za vas posuditi traženu literaturu iz drugih knjižnica u Hrvatskoj ili inozemstvu. Knjižnica za vas također može i kupiti pojedine knjige, a više o samim procesima međuknjižnične posudbe i kupovine znanstvene literature možete pronaći na stranicama Kako naručiti literaturu.
What certificates are issued by RBI LIbrary?
What should be provided to library when submitting request for certification?
What certificates are issued by RBI library?
RBI library offers isuing various certificates for rank promotion, projects applications, schlolarships etc. Following certificates can be requested:
Who can order a certificate?Indexation and citation certificates of papers can be requested only by RBI employees for rank promotion etc.
How to request a certificate?Certification requests may be submitted directly to the librarians or send by e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
What should be provided to library when submitting requests for certification?Please provide the library with the list of all published papers in electronic form (preferably in doc. format) and variants of names under which you have published papers (eg, maiden name, last name combination, etc.).
Please submitt your requests at least five working days in advance.
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