Produced by US National Library of Medicine Medline provide quality bibliographic information or articles from academic journals covering medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and health care. Medline is available to Croatian scientific community through Ovid, EBSCOHost i PubMed. MEDLINE uses Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) for information retrieval.
The main task of the Center is providing access to major international databases and to e-journals. Center mediates between Ministry of science, education and sports as financier and academic and research community as users, trying to ensure that the acquired databases and collection of online journals are used effectively and that researchers, teachers and students have access to the information they needed in their work. Center also provides access to a range of databases that are in free access
Center for online databases began its work n 1995. Rudjer Boskovic Institute Library had plenty of experience with online version of Current contents database, so Ministry of science, education and sports authorize Library to provide accces to CC and to other important databases for wider academic community. Center is focused on ensuring access to databases, maintain web sites, communication with the libraries, users and publishers and also on education.
For most database access is possible from all scientific and academic institutions in The Republic of Croatia. Access is also possible throuhg various internet provider's if they have contract with the Croatian Academic and Research Network. In the same way it is possible to use wireless network access. For details on access to databases there are the FAQ pages of the Centre.
Database which can be accessed through the Centre for online databases are the following
Ovid - through the Ovid interface users can use databases such as Current Contents (9.000 journals from all scientific fields), Medline, INSPEC, Agricola, EBM Evidence Based Medicine, PsycInfo, ERIC and 40 e-books in the field of medicine
Subscription is not renewed for database:
Access to old data is provided for some of these databases and for some databases we have lost access completely.
Who's Who in Science in Croatia is database that collects structured information about Croatian scientists. Currently, this database contains detailed information on more than 7.000 Croatian scientists, and basic information on more than 20.000 Croatian scientists. This information service endeavors to promote Croatian scientists at home and abroad, and to improve communication and information exchange among scientists.
Users can consult database Who is Who in Croatian science if they, for example look for collaborators on the project, or if they are interested in biography and bibliography of a scientist, if they are looking for a colleague with related scientific interests or are lookig for an expert within a narrow scientific field, etc. This service enables scientists to store all relevant information about themselves in one place, where with simply "click” they will be able to generate own Curriculum Vitae for different purposes.
Croatian scientific bibliography CROSBI collects bibliographic information on all publications written by Croatian scientists. Repository currently contains over 280 000 bibliographic records (about 20.000 per year). CROSBI serves as a open access repository (OA) for more than 6,000 publications with full text. CROSBI records are uniquely associated with the identification number of scientists, institution, research project, and subject area, which provides great opportunities for searching and browsing.
Except for purposes of annual reports for Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, data stored in CROSBI are used for support in work of evaluation commission, scientist use it for scientific advancement, it offers current ("on demand") bibliography for the institution, project and scientist. Scientists themselves provide the data into the database, quite often before the paper has been published, which provides update.
Sveučilišna knjižnica Zadar svojim djelovanjem i zbirkama potpomaže znanstveno-istraživačke, nastavne i obrazovne djelatnosti. Knjižnični fond danas prelazi preko 100 000 svezaka ( monografija i periodike).
Sveučilišna knjižnica u Splitu knjižnica je općeznanstvenog tipa. Kao središnja knjižnica Sveučilišta, ona pribavlja i distribuira izvore informacija za potrebe svih splitskih studija, pružajući korisnicima odgovarajuće uvjete za učenje i studijski rad
Sveučilišna knjižnica u Rijeci temelji se na građi knjižnice isusovačke gimnazije iz Knjižnica je znanstvena ustanova koja pored knjižnične, izdavačke, kulturno-obrazovne ima i matično razvojnu ulogu i zadaću. Knjižnična djelatnost obuhvaća nabavu, stručnu obradu i zaštitu knjižne građe, izradu biltena, kataloga te stvaranje informacijskih pomagala, baza podataka.
Sveučilišna knjižnica u Puli je opća znanstvena knjižnica istaknutog regionalnog značaja. Pored zadaće prikupljanja publikacija i posredovanja informacija potrebnih u nastavi na visokoškolskim ustanovama Sveučilišta u Puli ima i zadaću prikupljanje knjižnične građe koja se odnosi na Istru.
Nacionalna i sveučilišna u Zagrebu javna je ustanova od nacionalnog značenja koja obavlja knjižničnu i informacijsku djelatnost nacionalne knjižnice Republike Hrvatske i središnje knjižnice Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Fond čini oko 2,5 milijuna svezaka. Knjižnica posjeduje i zbirke posebne građe kao što su rukopisi i stare knjige, grafike, zemljopisne karte, muzikalije i audiomaterijali
Gradska i sveučilišna knjižnica Osijek (GISKO) djeluje kao knjižnica s dvojnom funkcijom:
• središnja (matična) javna/narodna knjižnica grada Osijeka i Osječko-baranjske županije
• središnja sveučilišna/znanstvena knjižnica Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku
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