Who's Who in Science in Croatia is database that collects structured information about Croatian scientists. Currently, this database contains detailed information on more than 7.000 Croatian scientists, and basic information on more than 20.000 Croatian scientists. This information service endeavors to promote Croatian scientists at home and abroad, and to improve communication and information exchange among scientists.
Users can consult database Who is Who in Croatian science if they, for example look for collaborators on the project, or if they are interested in biography and bibliography of a scientist, if they are looking for a colleague with related scientific interests or are lookig for an expert within a narrow scientific field, etc. This service enables scientists to store all relevant information about themselves in one place, where with simply "click” they will be able to generate own Curriculum Vitae for different purposes.
Croatian scientific bibliography CROSBI collects bibliographic information on all publications written by Croatian scientists. Repository currently contains over 280 000 bibliographic records (about 20.000 per year). CROSBI serves as a open access repository (OA) for more than 6,000 publications with full text. CROSBI records are uniquely associated with the identification number of scientists, institution, research project, and subject area, which provides great opportunities for searching and browsing.
Except for purposes of annual reports for Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, data stored in CROSBI are used for support in work of evaluation commission, scientist use it for scientific advancement, it offers current ("on demand") bibliography for the institution, project and scientist. Scientists themselves provide the data into the database, quite often before the paper has been published, which provides update.
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