Pozivamo Vas da se od 10. do 13. rujna u Zadru pridružite PUBMET2024 ljetnoj školi i 11. PUBMET2024 konferenciji. Teme su zanimljive i relevantne za urednike, izdavače, znanstvenike, knjižničare i sve zainteresirane za znanstvenu komunikaciju i otvorenu znanost.
The first PUBMET conference was held in 2014 with the theme "The Plurality of Approaches to the Scholarly Publishign and Assessment". In the last decade, the conference expanded its focus beyond traditional publishing, recognizing the importance of open science and a broader spectrum of scientific communication. Under a new name, "Scholarly Communication in the Context of Open Science", PUBMET has become a platform for exchanging ideas, research, and collaboration, hosting exceptional speakers and experts over the years.