Među mnogobrojnim tradicionalnim i novim knjižničnim ulogama u suvremenom društvu, poučavanje se zasigurno ubraja u jednu od važnijih. Knjižnica Instituta Ruđer Bošković prepoznala je važnost poučavanja korisnika još 2003. godine, kada je pokrenula Kratke edukacijske knjižnične seminare poznate pod kraćim nazivom KEKS. KEKS-i su namijenjeni znanstvenicima s IRB-a, koje se na taj način nastoji poučiti o novim trendovima u svijetu znanstvenih informacija, pomoći im služiti se novim tehnologijama te iskoristi prednosti koje im one nude u svakodnevnom znanstvenom radu.
Dear Customer,
RBI Librarians are making a series of educational seminars available to you.
During those seminars library provides you the capability to renew your knowledge about:
1. A Library in Your Hand (short lecture)
2. Zotero or How to find your way in a bunch of documents? (workshop)
3. Skills applied to effectively search online databases (workshop)
4. Effective searching techniques - Web of Science database (workshop)
5. Effective searching techniques – Scopus database (workshop)
6. Effective searching techniques - Current Contents database (workshop)
7. Effective searching techniques – EBSCO database (workshop)
8. Citation analysis - Web of Science/Journal Citation Reports (workshop)
9. Citation analysis – Scopus (workshop)
10. How to Publish in Top Journals ? (workshop)
Tuesday, 8th of March, 2011.
Location: Library, III. wing
10:00 - 10:45 |
A Library in your hand |
10 |
11:00 - 12:30 |
How to Publish in Top Journals?
10 |
13:30 - 15:00 |
Zotero or How to find your way in a bunch of documents?
10 |
15:15 - 16:4 |
Effective searching techniques – EBSCO database
10 |
KEKS - seminars are available to RBI employees
Zotero workshop participants which will bring their own laptops need to install the following applications:
Mozilla Firefox 3.6,
Zotero 2.0
Word for Windows Plugin *3.0a3*.
or for OpenOffice & NeoOffice
Further information are available at
SPEAKERS: Library staff:
Sofija Konjević, graduate agricultural engineer, MSc Information Science, senior librarian
Bojan Macan, prof. of Croatian language and literature and prof. of information science, librarianship
Marina Mayer, B.A. in History, Geography and Librarianship
Ivana Pažur Vojvodić, MSc Information Science, senior librarian
Jadranka Stojanovski, B.A. ih Physics, MSc Information Science, senior librarian
CONTACT: Questions about KEKS's, comments and suggestions, you can get and share with us on the phone: 1243, 1273, 1676, 1407 or you can reach us by This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
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